Friday, February 27, 2009

End of Second Day

Time is flying for the training! Already we have finished the 2nd day. It was a difficult day to organize, with lots of guests, all needing attention and almost no one showing up when they said and talking longer than agreed. Still, the UNVs seemed interested--sometimes they were the reason it went on so long! Hard to get an understanding of how it is going without the language, but faces are smiling now at the end, and people seemed ok during the day. On Sunday, they plan to go to the Outdoor Musuem, and I'll see Lina and Roma and come back for an early evenng. Maybe bring movies:) and popcorn!


  1. thenk you for your comment

    Мне очень понравился Ваш сегодняшний тренинг про глупые идеи и ошибки! Спасибо!

  2. Hey,Wendy, Ilove you=))
    Just love and that`s all))))

  3. You wrote "so, what is Доктор Хаус???" - its TVseries "House M.D." - very interesting medical detective :)
